Leaders in polyethylene films for the mass-market flexible packaging and the industrial packaging industries

Leaders in polyethylene films for the mass-market flexible packaging and the industrial packaging industries

Our catalogue offers a wide range of packaging solutions, adapted for many different purposes. From the film dosing machine for guaranteeing precision packaging to surface protection film and stretch film to ensure optimal fixation during transport, among many other solutions.

Trust in our experience to find the perfect solution for your packaging needs!

We are committed to

environmentally-friendly manufacturing methods

We optimise manufacturing and production processes to reduce our carbon footprint

We work to minimise the potential impact of our business activity on the environment, focusing specifically on CO2 emissions, water consumption and the efficient use of raw materials.

We offer our clients innovative and sustainable solutions for their packaging needs.

We are part
of a large family

As a member of the Armando Alvarez Group of companies, we share its vision of a sustainable future. Thanks to the Group’s strong position on the market, we have the investments and technical backing that we need to support our clients in achieving their growth objectives.


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